Wednesday, June 20, 2007

putting names to things

doubleners - the people who want their books checked out and renewed at the same time. Here are some ways in which they ask for this: Can I have these for the longer period of time? Can you double renew these? Can I have the, um, you know, uh, these, um, for the more time?

instamatics -people who put their books in the book drop and then come in and are confused about why the books are not off their record yet.

touch-downers-people who place their library card on the counter even though you had put your hand out to take their card.

stop, drop, & runners -people who put their return books in the return slot at the counter even though someone is standing right there

____________-people who hold their library cards in their mouth and then hand it to you when it's their turn to have their items checked out.

____________-people who ask for you to renew their book after you have cleared it from their record.

___________- people who start talking to someone on a cell phone right in the middle of waited on at the check out counter or information desk.

___________-people who say "I just have 50 more pages to print, I'll be done in a sec."

confusedcius-people who ask "Why are the lights off? Are you closing? Since when does the library close so early?

_____________-guys who pull their library card out from somewhere inside their sweatpants.

(this is what I have so far, still trying to think up names for the ones that I left blank, suggestions welcom.)


Thing 1 & Thing 2 said...

cool, library sniglets! I love it!

Thing 1 & Thing 2 said...

how about those people who hang around at closing time and say things like -
"I just have 50 more pages to print, I'll be done in a sec."
"Why are the lights off? Are you closing? Since when does the library close so early?
I have not come up with a satisfying sniglet for them yet - since you seem to have talent for this, please give them an appropriate name! I thought maybe library loafers but that's not one word and a sniglet should be one word.....

Thing 1 & Thing 2 said...

____________-people who ask for you to renew their book after you have cleared it from their record.

OK, I've got one for the above description! These customers should clearly be named:
"patronus idi-ot-icus"
(From Latin, meaning roughly, dumber than dirt!)

Love the one you came up with for
people who say things like, why are all the lights out? confusedcius!

Thing 1 & Thing 2 said...

_____________-guys who pull their library card out from somewhere inside their sweatpants.

Disgustalufagis? or perhaps an acronym would do, like - "ITAMD" for "Is There Anything More Disgusting" or "NIMDOG" for "Nothing Is More Disgusting Or Gross"

Thing 1 & Thing 2 said...

_Multitask-aholics?_- people who start talking to someone on a cell phone right in the middle of waited on at the check out counter or information desk.

cally said...

_Vectors________-people who hold their library cards in their mouth and then hand it to you when it's their turn to have their items checked out.

Boomerangers__-people who ask for you to renew their book after you have cleared it from their record.

___Rude___- people who start talking to someone on a cell phone right in the middle of waited on at the check out counter or information desk.

_Self-Published Authors___-people who say "I just have 50 more pages to print, I'll be done in a sec."

Henries (after Henry VIII, who liked to keep candies in his codpiece! and had a *certain way* with the ladies)__-guys who pull their library card out from somewhere inside their sweatpants.