Thursday, June 21, 2007

freak #3; ranting #5

Break Glass in Emergency
Originally uploaded by kyber
so, it would be a very bad idea to design a library like this.
remember the old saying: "those who live in stone houses should not throw glasses" um, scratch that and reverse the stones and glasses. that's better.


JimD said...

That picture is a hoot. It's amazing what's available out there!

Periodic Frippery said...

Tag, you're it! Please stop by my blog by using the link above to check out the rules of the game and to read a little bit about me.

I enjoyed reading through your blog while checking for vict... er, others to play. Since you posted that you are good at playing, I hope that the meme will be fun for you!

Psychobabejr said...

Tag, you're it! Stop by my blog to check out the rules, and play along!